
We are a team of engineers and visionaries committed to making motion capture a universal technology.


We remain focused on the present and future of motion capture, with all its limitless capabilities.


Motion capture for all. That simple idea is what has always driven us to extend the reach of this dynamic technology.

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Noitom Global Meetup Tour 2019

Since March, we have embarked on a tour of the world, taking our motion capture technology with us. The Noitom Global Meetup Tour is a series of Meetups where we invite our users to join us at local venues in the cities where we are taking part in events. So far this year, we have been to London, Gothenburg, Austin, Cologne, Laval, Berlin and Franfurt. Our get-togethers—which are always free—include chats about the latest motion capture technologies, hands-on demos, a chance for creators to meet other creators, and always, a great bite and something to drink. Our tour is set to continue in just a few short weeks where we will be heading to Los Angeles, Tokyo, Seoul, Annecy (France) and London.
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