
We are a team of engineers and visionaries committed to making motion capture a universal technology.


We remain focused on the present and future of motion capture, with all its limitless capabilities.


Motion capture for all. That simple idea is what has always driven us to extend the reach of this dynamic technology.

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MITHacking Arts 2017 Nourishes Innovation with Perception Neuron Motion Capture

MIT Hacking Arts 2017 took place the weekend of November 11th & 12th at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, bringing together creative technologists, artists, innovators and hackers to explore the future of the arts at the annual Conference, Arts & Tech Expo and Hackathon. Noitom played a role in this year's event, sponsoring a hacking challenge for our Perception Neuron motion capture system. Participating teams had 24-hours to complete an original project to push innovation in the arts and entertainment field. This year, the theme for MIT Hacking Arts was, Why Human. Teams working with Perception Neuron were challenged to “give the body a digital voice” and create
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