
We are a team of engineers and visionaries committed to making motion capture a universal technology.


We remain focused on the present and future of motion capture, with all its limitless capabilities.


Motion capture for all. That simple idea is what has always driven us to extend the reach of this dynamic technology.

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Mocap, MSU & Traditional Latino Dance with the Smithsonian

Noitom recently attended the inaugural Cultural Digi Summit hosted by Michigan State University with the Smithsonian Latino Center at MSU's College of Arts & Sciences from February 23-24. MSU's immersive media studio at the School of Journalism uses a lot of our mocap to create content and communicate with audiences in interactive ways. MSU has been working with Smithsonian Latino Center in helping them find ways to illustrate Latino narratives. One of the projects they are working on revolves around traditional Latino dances, and using Perception Neuron's mocap as a way to capture dance movements. Members of the Smithsonian were given a presentation about the technology and were also able
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