Real-world science at SDCC 2019 revels in the past and inspires the future.
People Are Talking About Noitom's Technology
For all media related inquiries outside of China, please contact Noitom International at
For media inquiries in China, please contact Evan Tan at
At Comic-Con, an impressive virtual reality experience starts aboard a space station, where you're led by a flying robot.
Professionals from museums across America gathered in Phoenix this week for the American Alliance of Museum's annual conference and MuseumExpo.
Incredible holograms, AR and VR, 5G innovations, disease control by smartphone, and tracking systems for dogs, children and valuables: here are the 10 most exciting tech innovations to come out of Mobile World Congress.
Oculus Rift takes you to the moon.
Alice Space wants to take you on a moonwalk using Mixed Reality. Best buckle up!
Noitom, Entwickler der VR-Plattform Alice haben an der Tokyo Game Show ihre neue, schlüsselfertige Edutainment-Mixed-Reality-Lösung namens Alice Space vorgestellt, die für Museen und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen konzipiert wurde. Die Multiplayer-Lösung befasst auf spielerische, aber dennoch instruktive Weise mit der Raumforschung.
Noitom, the creators of the out-of-home VR platform Project Alice are in Tokyo for the 2017 Tokyo Game Show where they launched their new turn-key edutainment mixed reality solution created for museums and science centers — Alice Space.
ソフトウェア・ハードウェア開発企業であるNoitom社は現在、教育とロケーションベースのVR体験を融合したプラットフォーム「Alice Space」を開発している.
Noitom Launches VR Location Based Education Platform.
Noitom's Alice Space will bring VR edutainment space exploration to museums and science centres.
東京ゲームショウ2017では、会場のVR/ARコーナーにあるNoitom社のブース(ブース番号:9-W06)では2人で月面散歩をするVRコンテンツ『Alice Space』を体験できます.
Opaque Space has just announced its collaboration with Noitom International by launching the Alice Space platform, using Alice Space they have been able to achieve a free roam VR experience.
Una solución completa de hardware y software para que cualquier centro puede montar su plataforma que traslade a sus visitantes al espacio exterior.
カリフォルニア州サンノゼで2017年3月27日から29日まで開催されたSilicon Valley Virtual Reality 2017(SVVR2017)において,中国・北京に拠点を置くNoitomがグローブ型のVR入力デバイス「Hi5 VR Glove」を「Project Alice」に対応させた最新デモを公開していた。