Get ready for a test dive that is out of this world.
People Are Talking About Noitom's Technology
For all media related inquiries outside of China, please contact Noitom International at
For media inquiries in China, please contact Evan Tan at
Oculus Rift takes you to the moon.
Noitom which specializes in location-based VR has come up with another a new product Alice Space. Alice Space is a complete software and hardware package created for the educational market.
スイスに拠点を置くKenzan Studiosが,中国のNoitomとの提携により,VRヘッドマウントディスプレイを利用した都市型テーマパークを推進させるサービス「Kenzan Arena」の開発を,カリフォルニア州サンノゼ市で開催中のVRイベント,Silicon Valley Virtual Reality 2017でアナウンスした。
Notiom's booth features a space shooting demo with their hybrid B2B solution.
Noitom showcases a shooting demo with their B2B, multi-user VR solution.